Tongue drum

Beat Root Steel Tongue Drum

The Best Instrument dedicated to Relaxation and Well-being

6 scales in 1 Steel Tongue Drum


For a positive outlook on life


For deep relaxation


For energizing atmospheres


For a sweet melancholy


For celestial journeys


For a breath of fresh air

An innovative tuning system that allows you to switch from one scale to another in less than 5 seconds.

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Audiofanzine Award

Award 2015 valeur sûre audiofanzine

Year 2015
in Drums and Percussion category

The Therapeutic Effects of the Steel Tongue Drum

Beat Root steel tongue drum is not just an instrument for creating beautiful music. It also has therapeutic effects that can positively affect your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The calming and resonant tones of this drum can help to create a peaceful environment, induce relaxation, and alleviate stress.

The Steel Tongue Drum in Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is a type of therapy that uses the vibrations from different types of sounds to heal the body and mind. The steel tongue drum, with its soothing and melodic sounds, is often used in sound therapy sessions. When played, the drum creates harmonious tones that can help to balance the body's energy, promote deep relaxation, and aid in the healing process. These healing vibrations can penetrate the body at a cellular level, helping to reduce stress, alleviate pain, and improve sleep.

Mindfulness and Meditation with the Steel Tongue Drum

The steel tongue drum is also a powerful tool for mindfulness and meditation. Playing the drum can help to bring your focus into the present moment, quieting the mind and cultivating a sense of inner peace. The repetitive motion of striking the tongues and the resonating sounds can be very meditative, helping to foster a deep sense of calm and relaxation. Many people find that incorporating the steel tongue drum into their meditation practice enhances their ability to focus and promotes a deeper state of meditation.

Benefits of Playing the Steel Tongue Drum

Playing the steel tongue drum has numerous benefits. It can help to boost mood, reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus, and promote relaxation. The act of playing can also be a form of exercise, improving hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Additionally, the creative aspect of playing music can boost self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment. But perhaps the most profound benefit is the sense of connection and unity that playing the steel tongue drum can foster, both within oneself and with others. It can provide a sense of purpose and belonging, contributing to overall mental and emotional health.